Friday, July 8, 2011


I'm pretty sure that by now, everyone on Earth is aware of the Most Important Day In Like Ever, which is coming up July 15th. What makes it so important, you ask? Well, good sir, that would be the day when HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART II is released in theaters.
Are you following me? I said, HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART II!!!!
Do get the gravity of the situation here? It's the LAST Harry Potter movie coming out.
 Actually, it's the last Harry Potter anything ever coming out. I've been a die-hard HP fan since I was nine or ten, and so has Venom. It was all we ever talked about for years! Later on, Venom showed me Maximum Ride and I contracted OMRD, I'm sorry to say Harry was forgotten for a little while. But recently I've been rediscovering the series, first in books then in movies. And I'm happy to say, I STILL LOVE IT! Maybe even more than before. When I was younger, I didn't sometimes understand what was going on, even though I was a pretty deep kid. But now I totally get the whole thing.
July 15th is going to be a bittersweet day for me. I mean, when the Half Blood Prince had just come out, I found out there was only going to be one more book, and I cried. And now, there aren't even any more movies to look forward to. WE HAVE NOTHING TO LIVE FOR NOW!
Well, I have Part II to look forward to now. But you know what I mean.
Then again, let me just express my views on how I think the movie will be:
Better than the last one even! If the commericals are any indication, this could quite possibly be the GREATEST.
Me and Venom are going to see it on the 16th, but we're also going to have our own launch party, either the night before or after. We have no lives, so it's just going to be us. We're even making matching shirts to where to the movie :D Deathly Hallows or Bust!
Oh my God, we are such geeks.

Signing Off,
Sweet but Insane

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